Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One of These Things

I'm sure that you, gentle reader, have been asking yourself, "When will Michael update us about the music he's been listening to?" Well, your wait is over. Here's a small sampler of songs I've been playing frequently recently:
Once again, I will ask you to identify which one is different from the others. This should be easy.

* Why is it I keep finding songs by Christian bands and bands that happen to be Christian? I mean, really. I'm not sure how to explain this trend.


  1. On the Christian (or Christian-linked at least) ... ever listened to any Mutemath?

  2. Try it out sometime. Stall Out is totally the kind of song you'd have put on repeat loop while cracking out comp210 homework...

  3. Oh gawd, COMP 210. Why would you bring that up and make me think about it again. Now I'm going to have nightmares about parentheses and tail-recursion tonight.

  4. Sorry, I mention to mention a mathematical science course like 335 or 336 but couldnt' remember the code. MATS? MSCI was material science. Hmmm.

  5. CAAM: Computational and Applied Mathematics.
