My wedding band arrived from Boone a few days ago. Here's a poorly lit photograph:

Based on our experience, I'd recommend Bruce and Trish Boone's mom-and-pop organization very highly. Here's why:
- Bruce started out making titanium-alloy bike components, and, as a cyclist, I think that's cool.
- They make-to-order rings in a wide range of styles from two alloys of titanium: 6-4 and 8-1-1. (Please note that these links are for alloys with specific heat treatments; I'm unsure what heat treating is used on Boone's rings.)
- Bruce very promptly answered the questions I e-mailed to him when I was narrowing my choices.
- The price was quite modest, even for the stronger 8-1-1 alloy.
- The band arrived surprisingly soon after it was ordered. (I think Alison placed the order on Friday night. On Saturday night, we received an e-mail saying the ring was done and would go out in Monday's mail. The package arrived on Wednesday.)
- The ring is very light as would be expected with a density of 4.37 g/cm^3. (For comparison, Alison's platinum ring has a denstity of 21.45 g/cm^3.)
- The band is clearly well crafted, and as a surprise bonus, it came with a silly certificate of authenticity, signed by Trish:

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