Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
4 American Vehicles Worth Owning
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Epitaph Two. No, Seriously.
Bowling Ball
bowling ball, noun phrase. A gift intended more for the enjoyment of the giver than the recipient.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
That's not a wheel. THAT'S a wheel.
PR: Joshie
Girlin' it Up in the Garage
One of These Things
- Melanie C, "Beautiful Intentions." Even though I've learned Mel C's identity and background since I last mentioned her, I still enjoy several of her songs. Really.
- Luka Bloom, "The Acoustic Motorbike." This is my favorite song about cycling.
- Snow Patrol, "Open Your Eyes." I discovered this song watching a video compilation of Spec Miata footage, and I used the Shazam app to find it.
- Alexi Murdoch, "Breathe." I found this one while watching an episode of Stargate Universe. Again, Shazam to the rescue.
- Anna Nalick, "Breathe (2 AM)." I discovered this piece while searching for the other "Breathe" in this list. It's funny how things work out sometimes.
- American Hi-Fi, "The Art of Losing." I stumbled onto this track while wacthing a video compilation of World Rally Championship jumps. More Shazam-ing ensued.
- Muse, "Uprising." Yes, I admit it: this song is very popular on the radio right now. Plus, it is---or was recently---being used to promote ABC's remake of V.
- Tapping the Vein, "Complicate It." This is a recently released song from a band I've been listening to for a while.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Lessons Newton Taught Us: Chase-Wrestle
Fetch-tug is a pretty good game, but chase-wrestle is the best.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup
This is an adaptation of a recipe that Shuaib recommended we cook at the first Team Grondul Thanksgiving. If you follow the link you'll see that the original called for butter and heavy cream...fine for a Thanksgiving treat, but not so great for everyday. I swapped the butter for olive oil and the cream for lite coconut milk to health it it's a healthy fall treat! Yay!
- 4.5 Tsp. olive oil
- 1/2 large onion, chopped
- About 2 lb. butternut squash peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch cubes
- 3 cups low-sodium chicken stock (you could certainly use vegetable stock instead to make it vegetarian)
- 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped
- Pinch of nutmeg
- 1 cups lite coconut milk
- Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
In a large soup pot over medium heat, heat the oil. Add the onion and sauté, stirring occasionally, until tender and translucent, 4 to 6 minutes. Add the squash and stock, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the squash is tender when pierced with a fork, about 20 minutes. Add the apples and nutmeg and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender, about 15 minutes. Using a food processor or a blender, puree the soup in batches until smooth. Return the soup to the pot, stir in the coconut milk, and season with salt and pepper. Warm gently as needed.
Newton's Day vs. Michael's Day
Today was the BEST day ever! I thought it was going to be just another everybody-leaves-day 'cause my girl-hooman woke up when the beeping happened and didn't stay in bed to cuddle AT ALL. That means it's a everybody-leaves-day. She put on her leaving fur and then drove off in her sick-box. Then my guy-hooman did the same thing...except he didn't drive off! He came back inside and changed into his staying at home fur and then he took me outside! I got to hang out in the front yard all day. I got to lay in the sunny grass and pee on the tree and some neighbors came over to play with me! Then my girl-hooman came home earlier than usual. It was the best day ever! I'm so tired now that I need a nap.
Michael's Day
I thought today was going to be just another workday, but boy was I wrong! I got dressed and went out to drive to work, but I couldn't shift gears. My clutch wasn't working. I went back inside and did a little research on the internet and realized that I had one of the necessary parts to fix the problem. Unfortunately, I didn't have the other part I needed, so Alison offered to go pick it up at lunchtime and work from home for the afternoon. So, I set to work in the driveway and took Newton out with me since he enjoys being outside. At least the weather was decent. I was hoping I could get the job done in time to go to work for a few hours, but I finished up at took me all day! I think I fixed the problem, but it still doesn't seem quite right so I might have to do some more adjusting. *sigh* What a crappy day. I'm so tired now that I need a nap.
Friday, November 13, 2009
No-Beef Stew
- 2 Tblsp olive oil
- 3 Tblsp flour plus salt and pepper to taste
- 1.5 - 2 lbs. bison stew meat cut into 1-inch pieces
- 6 large garlic cloves minced
- 5 tsp vegetable Better than Bouillon
- 5 cups water
- 2 Tblsp tomato paste
- 1 Tblsp sugar
- 1 Tblsp dried thyme
- 1 Tblsp Worcestershire sauce
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 Tblsp olive oil
- 1.5 lbs red potatoes cut into 1/2 inch pieces
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 2 cups chopped baby carrots
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 Tblsp cornstarch
Heat oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, dredge the bison meat in the flour/salt/pepper mixture. Sauté meat until brown on all sides, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and sauté 1 minute. Add Better than Bouillon, water, tomato paste, sugar, thyme, Worcestershire sauce and bay leaves. Stir to combine. Bring mixture to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, then cover and simmer 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, heat oil in another large pot over medium heat. Add potatoes, onion and carrots and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sauté vegetables until golden, about 20 minutes. Add vegetables to bison stew. Simmer uncovered until vegetables and bison are very tender, about 40 minutes. Discard bay leaves. Tilt pan and spoon off fat. Whisk cornstarch in cold water and then stir into stew to thicken.
No, it's not a pon-"cho"
So, last March or so I ordered this yarn (in the "ginger" color) with the intention of knitting this sweater. Awesome, right? I received my yarn and began kniting. However, then we bought a house and moved and began rebuilding said house. And, as you might imagine, knitting rather fell by the wayside. Now fast forward to mid-August when I decided that I might as well continue doing my hobbies while renovating the house since it was, apparently, going to take forever. I took up the sweater where I left off and merrily continued knitting. Around this time, I also started attending a Thursday night knitting group. It turns out you pick up so many things at a knitting group! Like, did you know that you can actually try on your sweater while you're still knitting it? I had no idea! You take it off the needles and put your active stitches on a long piece of yarn instead. Then it's not constrained by the needles and you can put it on like you will be able to when it's done. Well, I thought this was genious and tried on my sweater which, remember, is basically 4 inches from being complete. You've probably figured out by now that all was not well. The bottom of the sweater fit great! Like a glove! The top part fit like I was supposed to put football pads on under it. Seriously, had it not been attached to the bottom part, I could have passed the top part of the sweater all the way over my body from head to feet without touching myself with was like a knit hula hoop. There was really no way to fix it and I SWORE I had followed the pattern correctly so, angrily, I ripped it all out and re-balled up the yarn.
Thus began my quest for something else to do with my pretty cotton yarn. Of course, by now it is October so knitting with cotton is maybe not the best idea. October is wool time. Nevertheless, I was bound and determined to use this yarn for SOMETHING. So I found this pattern. Pretty! Also, the fact that it is a pon-chette (not a pon-cho, goodness no, how uncouth!) made me laugh every time I got to say it. So, I began knitting. I was putting the trauma of the football-player-shoulder sweater behind me. The healing had begun.
Until...a week after I began knitting the pon-chette I got an email from the company from which I bought the pattern.
We have become aware of some errors in our Empress Pullover pattern, item
50642. Since the errors were scattered throughout the pattern, we are sending
you a link to a brand new, corrected version of the pattern.
Ya think?! URGH. So, anyway, I finished my pon-chette and it turned out awesome!
So now I have to decide if I want to bother with the dumb sweater again. Maybe next spring....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
D'house End is Nigh
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dollhouse Taking a Break, then Back with a Vengence
- Joss Whedon's thought-provoking and deliciously creepy but ratings-challenged series will be off the air for the entirety of November's sweeps period. That means tonight's episode examining Sierra's backstory is the last you'll see for a month.
- By contrast, when the show returns in December, beginning with Summer Glau's first show, we'll be presented with two eps each Friday. At that rate, we'll be up to episode 10 by the end of the year, leaving only 3 eps of the 13-show order for 2010.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dragon*Con 2009: Battlestar

Dragon*Con 2009: Alien vs Predator
Dragon*Con 2009: 300
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cabin now Further in the Woods, in 2 Ways
All 13, and Maybe Some Closure
And Your Mamma, Too
Thursday, October 08, 2009
The Telltale Womb
They Just Wanna, They Just Wanna
Monday, October 05, 2009
Michael's First Law of TV
A TV series can support at most one happy couple. More than that, and show degrades into schmaltz.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Rex Underestimated?
* On the CRX Community forum, the local Miata club's forum, and my workplace's intranet.
Google Moble: Local Search
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Return to the Dollhouse
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dragon*Con 2009: Post 2
Dragon*Con 2009: Post 1
* And not in a Leroy Brown kind of way.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Horribleness of the Emmy Awards
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sing Along with Dr Horrible Again
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Welcome, Emma
- Stock seats plus Cobra Suzuka S race seats.
- Stock seatbelts plus 5-point harnesses.
- Stock 14x6" wheels with Falken Azeni tires (205/50-14, I think) plus 15x7.5 6UL wheels with Nitto NT01 tires (225/45-15).
- Stock steering wheel plus a tiny, 280-mm Momo race wheel.
- Bilstien PSS9 adjustable dampers and springs.
- Racing beat front anti-roll bar.
- Hard Dog Hard Core Double Diagonal roll bar.
- R Speed intake, Jackson exhaust manifold, and Flyin' Miata exhaust.
- Deleted soft top.
- OEM hard top, in Laguna Blue.
- R-Package-style front chin spoiler and rear lip spoiler.
- Tow hooks.
- Other assorted goodies.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Our Truck
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Throwin' Frag!
- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Marcus Fenix. Johnson has the right look, certainly. Plus, Marcus is quite terse---once, in flight school, he was laconic---so Johnson's questionable acting talent wouldn't hold him back.
- Adam Baldwin as Dominic Santiago. With Baldwin's experience as Jayne Cobb, he clearly can carry off both the action and the comedy requisite of the character.
- Michael Clark Duncan as Augustus Cole. He's both huge and enormous. Add a little 'tude, and that's everything you need to play the "Cole Train."
- Alan Tudyk as Damon Baird. He's blond, hilarious, and has experience in POW/hostage acting.
- R. Lee Ermey as Victor Hoffman. Seriously, whom else could you cast?
Let's Play Dollhouse
- Jamie Bamber, Lee "Apollo" Adama form Battlestar.
- Michael Hogan, Saul Tigh from Battlestar.
- Alexis Denisof, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from Buffy and Angel.
- Summer Glau, River Tam from Firefly and Serenity.**
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Germantown Dog Whisperer
The truly annoying part, however, was that there was this woman there who was just...a loudmouth. You know the type. Holding court by the benches, telling everyone what an awesome "dog trainer" she is. People like this really put me on edge. My first thought is always, "If you're so awesome at xxx, why do you have to tell everyone so loudly?" Anyway, she has a fist full of dog treats at the park (which was's never a good idea to introduce food into a large group of dogs that you don't know) that she's giving out to all the dogs. She's asking each of them to sit before she gives them a treat. Some woman's dog didn't know sit, so this "dog trainer" said she would teach him. The owner jokingly says, "Well if you can teach him, I'd pay you!" *sigh*
So the "dog trainer" takes this little min pin on a leash about 4 feet from where all the other dogs are playing and proceeds to try to lure him into a sit with a treat which is a perfectly valid way to teach "sit". However, it doesn't work, of course; it was like watching someone try to teach a 3rd grader fractions in the middle of a carnival. The dog was far more interested in all the activity around him than in the "trainer" or her food. So the "dog trainer" starts forcing his back end into a sit (bad can actually hurt some dogs this way). When he pops up and spins away from her, clearly thinking, "What the heck, lady! I was just here at the park having a nice time and now you're manhandling me!", she jerks hard on his leash and yells "NO!" at him. At this point, I am so annoyed at her that I almost said something, but decided it wasn't my business, so I bit my tongue. I guess she decided this dog wasn't going to listen to her so she decides to alpha roll him (pin him to the ground with his belly up). This is a very submissive position for a dog and some dogs won't tolerate a stranger doing that to them, particularly in a situation with other dogs around. She just met him 3 minutes ago and SHE IS AT THE DOG PARK...this is a good way to get bitten, frankly. She then proceeds to arrogantly inform the small crowd of dog owners that she had to do this to a Rottweiller once. Awesome. Finally, she lets the dog up and forces his back end into a sit at which point she informs the owner/small crowd that "He got it that time!" and hands the leash back to the owner. Got what?? That maybe if he just let you do whatever (because I guarantee you the dog was STILL totally in the dark about what she actually wanted him to do) that you would leave him alone and go away? She then tells us that you just have to watch Cesar Milan's show if you want to know how to do that because that's how she learned. I almost died.
Pretty much immediately after that, the owner and her dog left. I followed them to the gate which was out of earshot of the "dog trainer" who was STILL holding court. I suggested that if she really wanted to do some stuff with her dog she should pick up the book the trainers I talk with online wrote. I told her it was game and fun-based training and that I thought it was much more about building a relationship with your dog than Cesar Milan's method which had always struck me as sort of confrontational (I could have said some other, more negative stuff about Cesar Milan, but I figured that wouldn't be productive). She thanked me and seemed genuinely interested...asked where she could pick it up. I got the impression that she had been a bit uncomfortable with the way the other woman was handling her dog, but she wasn't really sure how to stop it without being rude.
As a side note, when she was giving out treats, Newton ran up and jumped up on her a little bit. She said "sit" and he did....and she didn't do anything. So he downed. And she still didn't do anything, so he jumped up again. At which point, she admonished him for jumping. (where's that emoticon for smacking yourself in the forehead when you need it!) I think he repeated his routine about 3 more times and then gave up without ever getting a treat. Yeah, she was the next dog whipserer, for sure. *rolling eyes*
Anyway, I just had to vent. Every time I think about it I just get annoyed all over again!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It Must be Bunnies!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Singnificantly Less Contrast Than Usual
Monday, August 17, 2009
Bring on Ms. Squito
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Three Years Ago

Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thanks, Pandora!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Enjoy the Contrast, Yet Again

PR: Vest Fest
For minimum time, perform 5 rounds of the following while wearing a 30-pound weight vest:12 squats.12 back extensions.12 sit-ups.12 push-ups.12 get-ups.*12 pull-ups.