I'll conclude my
torrent of
bike-photo posts with pics of my principal road bike: a 2004
Seven Cycles Axiom custom 3/2.5-titanium frame with 2004 Seven 5E fork, 2004 Shimao Dura-Ace components and (in these photos) 2000 Mavic Ksyrium SSC wheels.

Yes, I know the
Black Pearl isnt actually
black, but neither are black pearls; the bike gets its name from the gray shine presented by the unpainted brushed titanium.
Wow, that's a cool bike. I always wanted to try a titanium frame. Do you race with it or mostly use it for excersize?
ReplyDeleteack, I probably meant
ReplyDeleteI have raced in the past, mostly while in grad school. (That explains all the Georgia Tech jerseys in my closet.) Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to racing the Seven yet, at least not formally. I HAVE taken it on a number of fast group rides, which can be very competitive and a lot like races: riders try to drop one another, there are intermediate sprints, people paceline, and so on.
Thanks for the complement on my ride. It's a way better bike than I am a rider.
By the way, I've just ordered a -17-degree, 90-mm stem to replace the -6-degree, 100-mm one I have on there now. That should make the position just about perfect.