- On Friday, we went to a picnic with, among others, Nick and Amy.
- On Saturday, we went out for dinner with Lisa and Greg.
- On Sunday, we went to a going-away party for Alison's friend Kelly, where I got to meet, among others, Timily*.
- Clasp hands.
- Shake, shake.
- I relax my hand, because this is the time when a normal handshake ends**. He holds on.
- He keeps holding on for at least two seconds longer, so now I'm standing in a bar holding hands with this guy.
- He finally lets go.
* In the spirit of Bennifer, Tomkat, and Brangolina, I've decided to refer to these two by just one name. Unfortunately for Alison and me, neither "Michison" nor "Alichael" sounds very attractive.
** I don't think I have some unusually brief idea of the typical handshake duration, because I've shaken hands with hundreds of men and a similar number of women over the course of my life.